#5 - My Sweet Little Mare - Lucy-B

Since my first two trainers had graciously let me show their horses, I easily became hooked on the horse show world!  Now, at thirteen, I was ready for a show horse of my own, who I hoped would also be my forever horse. Lucy-B came to live with me in Montana from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was a 3 year old gray Arabian who had the most lovely floating trot and such a kind eye. She was perhaps the sweetest horse I had ever met.

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#3 - Fueled by Fear - Quick Silver CLI

Armed with my 4-H Colt Manual, I set out to train my new filly. I didn’t realize, however, that being a hot-blooded breed, CLI was more on the reactive side of the spectrum. With no tools or knowledge for how to train a reactive horse, I learned to “tip-toe” and “sneak” around very quietly so as not to set her off. I had never heard of desensitization, except for the paragraph in my manual about “sacking out” your colt, which just seemed cruel to me at the time…

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4 Questions

I was getting ready to head to the barn the other day, when I realized that all of my “barn” jeans were in the laundry. Remembering that I had a pair of riding pants, or breeches, I set out to find them. They were tucked away in the back of a dresser drawer, hardly ever worn, heck they looked brand new. As I was about to step into them, I had a thought, “You are not worthy to wear these riding pants. Who do you think you are? What kind of horse woman are you anyway? People are going to think that you are trying to be an equestrian.” Actually, that was quite a few thoughts and they stopped me in my tracks. Whoa! As I considered NOT going to the barn that day based on my pants situation, I had another thought. “Is it true?”

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Year 31

After spending three decades teaching, I approached year 31 a bit differently. I had always let the state standards and district curriculum drive my lessons. However, something had shifted within me. I asked myself what my teenagers really needed to learn this year and how our time together would be the most impactful on their futures.

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5 Things I Will Always Do for My Horse

I have had horses for most of my life and I am amazed at how much I am still learning about how to train and care for them. This new learning has caused me to rethink a lot of things that I have routinely done with horses and inspired me to make some changes. Here are 5 things I will always do for my horse, Boston. She means the world to me and I want more than anything to build a trusting relationship with her that will last a lifetime.

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Consciously Uncoupling with a Horse

A bit over a month ago, I made the difficult decision to sell my mare, Mesa. You can read about my journey with her and other decisions I made about her here. I had been riding her daily and just never felt safe. She is a cow-bred horse with a lot of spark; a horse who needs a job and has energy to spare. I am an older rider with some age-related physical limitations who enjoys a relaxed ride around the dressage ring. Both of us were feeling frustrated.

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5 Ways to Make a Decision

Making a decision can be one of the most daunting tasks to tackle. I have made numerous decisions regarding my lovely Paint mare, Mesa. Sometimes I followed a prescribed method, sometimes I followed my heart, and once I let my decision come from a place of fear. I am going to discuss my most important decisions about Mesa, how I came to each, and what I learned as a result. Maybe you can relate to one of these.

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Choosing Versus Wishing

January rolled around and we had to go back to school. I resisted! My students resisted! The first week back was harrowing! While at school, I couldn’t stop thinking about where I’d rather be and what I’d rather be doing. Ugh, 19 remaining weeks seemed nearly insurmountable for us all!

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Horse-Momma Guilt

I am passionate about horses. There is nothing I would rather do than be with them, and because of this, my lifelong affair with horses has always had an unwelcome companion – guilt.

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