Posts in The Horses Who Made Me
#7 - Dancing Stallions - Spats & Sherman

My love affair with Sherman began long before I ever rode him. In fact, if you had told me that I would one day ride that exuberant gray Andalusian stallion on a daily basis, I would have told you that it was just a dream of mine! Sherman had spent time traveling with The Royal Lipizzan Show as a solo act and I had seen Barbara ride an exhibition on him at my first horse show four years earlier before I had even met her. He knew all of the Grand Prix dressage maneuvers, as well as fun tricks like cantering-in-place, rearing and bowing.

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#5 - My Sweet Little Mare - Lucy-B

Since my first two trainers had graciously let me show their horses, I easily became hooked on the horse show world!  Now, at thirteen, I was ready for a show horse of my own, who I hoped would also be my forever horse. Lucy-B came to live with me in Montana from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was a 3 year old gray Arabian who had the most lovely floating trot and such a kind eye. She was perhaps the sweetest horse I had ever met.

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#3 - Fueled by Fear - Quick Silver CLI

Armed with my 4-H Colt Manual, I set out to train my new filly. I didn’t realize, however, that being a hot-blooded breed, CLI was more on the reactive side of the spectrum. With no tools or knowledge for how to train a reactive horse, I learned to “tip-toe” and “sneak” around very quietly so as not to set her off. I had never heard of desensitization, except for the paragraph in my manual about “sacking out” your colt, which just seemed cruel to me at the time…

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