5 Things I Will Always Do for My Horse

I have had horses for most of my life and I am amazed at how much I am still learning about how to train and care for them. This new learning has caused me to rethink a lot of things that I have routinely done with horses and inspired me to make some changes. Here are 5 things I will always do for my horse, Boston. She means the world to me and I want more than anything to build a trusting relationship with her that will last a lifetime.

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Consciously Uncoupling with a Horse

A bit over a month ago, I made the difficult decision to sell my mare, Mesa. You can read about my journey with her and other decisions I made about her here. I had been riding her daily and just never felt safe. She is a cow-bred horse with a lot of spark; a horse who needs a job and has energy to spare. I am an older rider with some age-related physical limitations who enjoys a relaxed ride around the dressage ring. Both of us were feeling frustrated.

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5 Ways to Make a Decision

Making a decision can be one of the most daunting tasks to tackle. I have made numerous decisions regarding my lovely Paint mare, Mesa. Sometimes I followed a prescribed method, sometimes I followed my heart, and once I let my decision come from a place of fear. I am going to discuss my most important decisions about Mesa, how I came to each, and what I learned as a result. Maybe you can relate to one of these.

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Choosing Versus Wishing

January rolled around and we had to go back to school. I resisted! My students resisted! The first week back was harrowing! While at school, I couldn’t stop thinking about where I’d rather be and what I’d rather be doing. Ugh, 19 remaining weeks seemed nearly insurmountable for us all!

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Horse-Momma Guilt

I am passionate about horses. There is nothing I would rather do than be with them, and because of this, my lifelong affair with horses has always had an unwelcome companion – guilt.

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Life Lessons in a Loaf of Bread

I never took much interest in what was going on in the kitchen. My mom was an amazing cook and looking back I wonder if it ever bothered her that I chose to spend time outside doing chores rather than helping and learning from her in the kitchen.

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Every day at 4:00 my phone alarm alerts me with the label, I AM ENOUGH; a gentle reminder from me to me. At the age of 54, I should be a confident woman who knows her own worth, and being a child of God, I should know that I was born enough. Period.

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4 Ways to Grieve

Last week marked the one-year anniversary of my mom’s death. While I am by no means an expert on the grieving process, I can share some things that have helped me cope with losing her.

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